Saturday, April 16, 2011

Free Dump Day!

This weekend is free dump for Tulsa residents.  I got up at 5 a.m. on my day off, which is something I generally only do for a) an early morning flight, b) an early football game or c) Black Friday.  We finally started loading the truck at 6:30, which gave me time to get some laundry started while I waited for dear hubby to get his morning Tulsa World fix.  I got up so early because I understood that we were going to get with it as soon as we could and I heard the truck start up so I figured I couldn't play opossum for long.  Come to find out dear hubby had gone to gas up the truck and was then going to read the paper.  Oh well, I'm not a morning person so I had time to wake up before I started dealing with boards that have nails in 'em.

 This is the pile we started with.
guess I should've had more coffee before I started.

Max is so excited to have part of her yard she is helping while Bonnie dog looks on.

Max immediately starts digging.  Lovin' that fresh dirt, it's like a whole new unexplored world.  Also note that the pile is MUCH smaller.  The biggest part of the pile now is wood that dear hubby hopes to reclaim.

note the freshly dug holes...

tying it down..

we're about to head out, can hardly wait for the aroma of the dump.

it's a party at the dump!

I don't feel so bad about having building materials in the back yard...these people must have been hoarding the trash for awhile....

it's all off the truck...yea!  Time for breakfast!

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